I do love the Winter Solstice it always makes me feel philosophical about life, i don't know why particularly, it always seems so fresh to me, the wheel stopping and turning again, the return of the sun, seeds of life deep underground starting to stir again. I've never really been one for wishing the cold winter months away, i've always loved the different seasons, but this winter has been particularly difficult. I guess living in an old house with no modern central heating is asking for trouble in our current "arctic" climate, it feels like ice has penetrated to my bone marrow and i wonder if i'll ever feel warm again!
This new year we won't be making any new resolutions, but rather improving on old ones. 2010 has been an amazing life experience for us, with no end of learning curves.
For me the new year holds much promise, first of all we have our wedding to think about and rearrange we'er so looking forward to it. My artwork will be featured/published in a fab magazine in March/April and i've been asked to contrubute to something else in the magazine too. Also having sold so much of my art over the last few months i'm thinking of hosting my own art exhibition, which i may do at Indigo Moon or hire the room at the museum here, but first i have much creating to do. I''ve also been asked by a few people to organise some teaching workshops, which i'm quite keen to do, so i have to put some thought into that. Both Gav and i are looking into doing some printing of my artwork onto greetings cards and also for framing as prints etc - so it's all exciting and very hectic.
Must say i'm really looking forward to having some time off over Christmas, we're planning a week off at the end of January and heading off somewhere nice to relax before we prepare for, hopefully, another busy Spring.
Hope you all have a brilliant christmas and new year, an looking forward to spending some time looking at everyone's blogs.