Sorry, i couldn't make Wednesday, so Thursday will have to do this week! Sorry for the poor photo's though.
Again, this is my temporary desk, my other, proper desk, has had to be moved again for plumbing reasons! so, for today at least, this is my workdesk which is the shop counter. You might be able to see my watercolour pencils on the right and in there somewhere is my amazing water brush, full of water and some sketchbooks on the left where i've been designing collage elements.
...and i've been making valentine cards (as well as doing the East of India order, you can see the catalogue here), we don't have any in the shop and as i'd been asked a couple of times for them I thought i'd make a few.
This is what they looked like in the card display stand, little ceramic hangers with hearts and the words love on them - i tied pretty little organza ribbon bows to them and wrapped them in the soap cellophane we have in the shop.
I had a nice surprise this week when Jo (aka twiglet) visited with a present for me, this lovely book, she found at a car boot and thought i might like it for backgrounds in my art - she's so lovely and thoughtful, it's always so nice to see her, she brought me Annie's (aka Wipso) poppy picture for the shop...of which i've already had so many admirers, not sold yet though Annie!.
...and these...lovely "Sweet Nothings", gorgeous little brooches covered in vintage fabric and made by my niece, Megan. I put them in the shop today and they look fabulous. I love her packaging design.

This is my Valentine window design. Huge hanging hearts and a romantic breakfast tray.

I love this gorgeous jug bought from the last auction so much... i'm keeping it for myself Mwaaaaaahhhhhh poor, poor little Lizzie, she's been at the vets all day today having an operation to have the tip of her tail removed....I feel so bad....i jammed it in the door (not on purpose) and it was cut so badly they had to remove the end!!!! There was blood everywhere, i can't show you the wound it's too horrific to contemplate. She's still groggy from the anaesthetic and has one of those collars on, she's very grumpy. 
I'm not feeling very well either, i've caught Nicci's snuffly cold she had on the weekend. As Gavin wasn't well on Monday we didn't get to the trade show so i decided to drive Nicci home to South Wales, and being in the car with her for that long was enough for the germs to jump me. The journey took ages as the Hereford to Abergavenny road was closed and i had to detour over to Ross on Wye. Poor Nicci had a problem with her cat when we got there and i stayed longer than i intented, and not wanting to be hampered on the journey back by a closed road i decided to drive back over the mountain road via Builth and llandrindod, it was very dark and creepy, but i got home safely in the time for tea too
The wedding plans are all going well i'm glad to say, but so stressful. We've now booked our flight which is another thing off the list.
I really do have some art to blog about i'm just finishing off a few things and will get them on here as soon as they're done.
Now I'm off to give Lizzie Wizzie a nice big cwtch and might even take her out for a quick walk. Speak to you soon.