
Wednesday, 18 January 2012


...I had so many nice plans for the start of the new year but alas the much needed house renovations are still getting in the way of the nice relaxing things i'd like to do.  However, it's not all doom and gloom, the house organisation and decorating is coming along nicely and even though we're exhausted and still in a mess here, at least we can see a light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.
I did manage to do a tiny bit of artwork over the weekend, experimenting with some of my long lost pastels i found when i emptied all my "packed up boxes of 3 years".  It's just a small piece and not finished, but it was nice to have some peace and quiet to do it.

"Outstretched Hand"

Also i managed to download a few more books onto my Kindle, I went in search of some of my favourite classics and managed to get included two favourites "The Scarlet Letter" and "The Mayor of Casterbridge" and many others that i haven't yet read. 

I also bought these books by two of my favourite artists:
I can't wait to get stuck into these, i think i'll keep them for when i get a whole day for just creating and relaxing, but it's probably not going to be much before the Spring time unfortunately...

...anyway we've just completed another room on the middle floor, it used to be my old art room, remember this?

well it now looks like this and is Nicci's new bedroom.
Since taking this photo the corridor has been stripped of panelling, re-plastered and skimmed and is ready for painting and the room next door to this (which will be the guest room) has been started on too.

The biggest job of yesterday was moving a load of shelving into the shop from the middle floor room.  We only decided the day before when we knew it needed to be dismantled that it would work in the shop, so Gav cut it into three parts and i nearly killed myself trying to pass these huge lengths of shelving through the window to him down onto the street (at 7.30am), not to mention the car that was in the way, which we very nearly dented in the process!!  But thanks to Brian, our very kind neighbour, who was on his way to get the paper, who not only helped gav manouevre them around the car to get them out, but also stayed until 11.00am helping us re-assemble them in the shop, he's very kind and it was much appreciated.

They look brilliant in the shop and i'll try and take some photos later when it's a bit more organised!

so...over the next few weeks I will be painting but it will be walls rather than canvas, it's a nice feeling even if it is hard work.  Putting the house in order has been a huge project for us especially as it was straight on from setting up and organising the shop (which is always an on-going project) but we're at the stage now where we can think about the soft furnishings and all the lovely old vintage/antique furniture we've purchased from auctions and put it all into place.  It'll beat living in a warehouse any day!

and i've been managing my time contructively whilst in the shop (as promised) it has been quiet (well, i say quiet there are a lot of people coming through the door but not many spending, which is what we expect at this time of year), so i made twenty felt brooches whilst sat at the counter over the last week or so and today i'm doing my business cards, along with a little bit of shop tidying and organising along the way.

Finally It was lovely to have a flying visit from my friend Jo yesterday, she always takes the time to pop in for a chat and a bit of moral support .  I couldn't even make her a coffee the kitchen was full of shop stock and the electricians were also in there fixing smoke alarms.  But i'm sure she'll forgive me, my aim is to treat her to a nice lunch one day here in my lovely tidy, newly decorated kitchen (when i've done it that is), she's very patient and i'm sure she doesn't mind waiting.

So....on with things again now, have a lovely day everyone!