
Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Currently reading...

Gone to Earth by Mary Webb
"Beautiful, innocent Hazel Woodus is a creature of the wilds.  A gentle minister and a demanding country squire vie for her love. There is humor, tragedy and memorable descriptions of Wales"

I love the descriptions in this book of the Shropshire countryside and its re-creation of a rural community in the early part of the 20th century. John Buchan writes in his introduction:
"The book is partly allegory; that is to say, there is a story of mortal passion, and a second story behind it of an immortal conflict, in which human misdeeds have no place. Hazel Woodus suffers because she is involved in the clash of common lusts and petty jealousies, but she is predestined to suffer because she can never adjust herself to the strait orbit of human life".
One of the nicest things about having my own shop is meeting loads of friends and new people each day, it's so lovely to have a good old natter most days.  I've made so many lovely friends with all sorts of interests, but one of the main interests is our love of books!  There's a small group of us now that regularly have a chat about what we're reading and what to read next and we have book swaps, it's lovely.  My next read is "Julie and Julia", a bit different from this one.

It's only recently that i've found the time to get back into reading, the wedding planning and shop stuff had taken over my life and it's nice to find the time to relax and read now.  I know i've made the pledge to read the "printed word" and i think i'll always do that", but i am thinking of getting a "Kindle", handy to keep all those books in your handbag at once don't you think?