
Tuesday, 24 August 2010

I love this photo of Nicole, my beautiful baby girl!!!! 18 years old on 6th September....where did those years go? It seems like only yesterday that she was born and now here she is about to be 18 and all grown baby.... I snapped this photo last week when we were in Llangollen on the steam train ride, she was enjoying photographing the scenery, i was watching her feeling tremendously emotional with love and wonderment at how beautiful, clever and independent she is.

Not one for liking her photo taken, a moment later she scowled at me for snapping her. Some photos of my new bedroom as promised. Not finished yet, but i'm enjoying deciding what to put in it. This is a vintage lampshade we got from an auction, it was meant for the shop, but i thought it was perfect for here.

This is the Laura Ashley curtain (bargain from our neighbour), i've still not put it up yet, it's so gorgeous.

No, it's not for pole dancing!!!!!! (much to Gav's disappointment) It holds the house up!!!

Gorgeous dressing table and lamp. I'll probably paint the dresser eventually.

It's been amazingly busy in the shop over the last few weeks, i've got loads of new stock, which i've photographed and will post soon. We've also had a stream of visitors come to stay some of which are still here until next week!! I've managed to get some small collages done as they were selling well in the shop and also i had a go at needlefelting, it was amazing, very relaxing....I did some simple brooches and put them out in the shop and sold four in the space of an hour!!! All my wooden ones have sold and i made another huge batch, unfortunately, when i re-organised my workroom I put them somewhere safe that i can't remember where! I'll post some of the felted brooches though soon.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

So excited...

...I've just moved bedrooms... since moving in here we've been using one of the smallest rooms in the house as a bedroom (right up on our third floor). This was because we'd been so busy with setting up the shop and, the room we wanted to use as the bedroom was needed to store the stock we'd been buying for the shop before it opened, and then when it did open and we moved all the stock into the shop we then used it to store furniture whilst we were decorating other rooms....phew.....breathe Tina!!!! Anyway, we've been having a few visitors lately and we need a permanent guest room so we decided it was time to get on with organising our nice bedroom. Nicole has decided that she now wants her bedroom to be the one we just moved out guests get a smaller bedroom again, but that's fair because they're not here all the time and only require a room to sleep in, whereas Nicci requires a room to storm away to have "attitude "in, what with being a teenager and all that!!!
The new bedroom is about three times the size of the other one and we've been collecting furniture from various auctions to go in there, it looks fab, i'll take some photos later. To add to the excitement one of our lovely neighbours sold us some gorgeous, unused, Laura Ashley duvet covers and pillow cases in lovely Egyptian Cotton, the price tags were still on them which were over £100 for each duvet and each set of lace curtains, we had two massive, super size duvet covers, four pillow cases, three beautiful lace curtains, a single sheet and various other things, all for...wait for it....£30 BARGAIN OR WHAT???? Each duvet cover and each pillow case comes in it's own matching little bag made of the same fabric and has the same design as cover/pillow cases.....thinking about adding a handle and using it as a handbag...heheheheh!!!!
Ok. so i'll post about that soon and add some photos. But now i want to show you these gorgeous creations from Hannah at Lonely Hearts, who kindly sold us a selection of her gorgeous handbags for the shop and gave us another load of her fab jewellery on sale or return. She delivered them all last friday and they look lovely in the shop.

I toyed with the idea of hanging the handbags around one of the posts in the centre of the shop, but thought they looked nicer scattered around and i sold one within a few hours of her leaving!I displayed her jewellery in with some others and it looks really nice. Unfortunately the jewellery will have to go into locked cabinets soon as we had a lovely expensive necklace stolen a few weeks ago, it's a real shame because they look so nice like this. Hannah made these beautiful combs, rings, button bracelets etc. She also made some lovely necklaces which she calls her "Secret Garden" range showing beautiful flowers and charms (sorry the photograph didn't come out well, so will show it in my next post).

OK, off to to some more organising now and soon off to Craven Arms to pick up Nicci who's been visiting friends.